3 John 1:4 "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth."

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Fun with Family

Great-grandma reading to our boys

Hannah - 3 months old

Tim pulling our kids and the nieces and nephew December 22nd

Ben, Micah, Natalie and Alise (left ot right)

Emily, Luke and Caleb (top to bottom)

Christmas Eve brunch with the Baileys and Kochendorfers

Our yummy food....mmmmm delicious!

Getting ready to open presents

The grand kids opening gifts

Playing bingo at the Godt Family Christmas....thanks Joyce!

Christmas Breakfast (Dave, Emily and Tim)

Kid Table

Me, Anita, and Alise with mom in the background

Caleb and Grandpa Godt

Tim with Hannah, just before she fell asleep on his shoulder

Getting ready to open gifts

The gang ready to go sledding at a park nearby


Wendy said...

I love your photos, and I love your blog. (Every time I read it, I can be heard to say, "I don't know how she does it. She is absolutely amazing," as I shake my head back and forth.) I received an award recently, and I am passing the "Stylish Blog Award" on to you--you don't have to do all the "stuff," just come over and get it at my blog, if you want. (What with being sick this week, I forgot I'd scheduled it, and didn't get all the requirements myself.)
Well, blessings, and thanks for the wonderful photos of your wonderful family.
Wendy Gunn

Melissa said...

Hi Krista!
I'm finally feeling like I'm catching up a little after Christmas. :) I'm enjoying your blog this morning and having such fun looking at pictures of your whole family. I really love that you have a blog so that I can glimpse into your world... it's so much fun!

I can't believe that Hannah is so big already! Doesn't the time go so quickly with babies? Ava is already 10 and a half months, and I just want to slow time down so she can stay a baby just a bit longer. :)

I really love your family picture... it turned out so nice! We have it hanging on our fridge.

It looks like you had a lovely Christmas. So many kids! The Swan family needs to catch up! :) Jamie and Angela are expecting their first in July, so it will be fun to have 2 next Christmas. Slowly but surely! :)

Can't wait to finally visit you all and catch up. I'll get in contact to let you know the next time we're on our way through to the Cities.

Blessings, Friend!
