3 John 1:4 "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth."

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happenings At Our Place

Over the weekend Tim and I were at our place up north. We call it our "cabin" since the place has not sold yet. We continue to hope and pray that the right buyers will come along VERY soon. We sure appreciate your prayers.

Tim's job at Nestle continues to go well. There is lots to learn but each week he gets a better handle of the process. Our family continues to stay with Tim's parents in the Twin Cities. We are so thankful for their love and generosity towards us. It has been fun having both sets of grandparents close by. In fact, every Thursday we set out to Grandma and Grandpa Godt's place for the day. Such fun!

I am nearly 29 weeks pregnant now. Wow, it certainly has flown by quickly. I secretly hope and pray that we will have a "new house" to bring this baby home to by January 20th. It will be interesting how God works this all out in His timing and plan. So far I've been feeling very good.

Well, that's all the happenings here at our homestead. I'll try to post pictures soon.

1 comment:

Tonya said...

I look foward to following your life. :) I lover your header picture you guys are such a great family! I will pray that the house sells soon. Miss you!