3 John 1:4 "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth."

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Random Pictures

Our family in Rollag MN looking at many tractors and diggers Micah and Dad Godt on the motorcycle.
Great-grandma Klodt with Micah at our house for a bonfire
Walking through a corn maze at the Apple Orchard with Tim's sister LeAnn and her husband Perry. My baby is due in January and LeAnn's baby is due in March. Hooray, another cousin for our boys!
H.F. Werner and Benjamin Werner sitting on the motorcycle. Adorable!


Tonya said...

Great pictures! I can't believe how big the boys have gotten!!! You have a beautiful family!

Perry and LeAnn Haislet said...

I did not know that your dad has a bike, we will have to go crusing sometime.