3 John 1:4 "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth."

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Still hanging out!

Well, this is my DUE DATE today. Nothing is going on. I guess I am playing the "waiting game" now. That is so hard, but well worth it in the end! Today the kids and I are going to run some errands (maybe quite literally) and go to the local YMCA to see if I can walk, walk, walk this baby into labor. Other than that I'm still just hanging out there ready to pop. The next time I write, I'll be letting you know when Baby #3 arrives. Whoohoo! Happy Day!

Hope your day is filled with fun and excitement.


J, H, I, C, and G said...

Ugh! I'm sorry you're still waiting...Soon, though. Soon.

Kari, RN said...

I've been thinking about you so much! I know I've missed out on writing down my guess, but from the first time I read your "guess the due date post" my guess has been a little boy born on January 21st around 7pm.

Here's praying the walk at the YMCA is helping him or her come even sooner than that!

Can't wait to hear all about it!

Anonymous said...

Kharis here...

I'm praying for you today!

I know what it's like to wait and wait... oi!

May you be creative in this time to keep your mind fixed on Christ and full of peace.

Psalm 22:9
You, LORD, brought me
safely through birth,
and you protected me
when I was a baby
at my mother's breast.

I'm excited for you dear one! This shall pass!!!